Day #11
Eyes and purple roses
Approximate cost of canvas, paints, mediums and brushes to date = $600
Titanium White 200ml Viridian Hue 200ml Paynes Grey 37ml Cadmium Red Hue 37ml Cadmium Yellow Hue 37ml Yellow Ochre 37ml Cerulean Blue Hue 37ml Cobalt Blue Hue 37ml Raw Umber 37ml Ivory Black 37ml Permanent Alizarin Crimson 37ml Scarlet Lake 37ml Zinc White 37ml
Flake White 37ml Dioxazine Purple 37ml Magenta 37ml French Ultramarine 37ml Naples Yellow Hue 37ml Vandyke Brown 37ml Raw Sienna 37ml Vermilion Hue 37ml
Art Spectrum Wax Medium Archival Oils Painting Mediums Lean, Fat & Classic